WSA is responsible for the following:
- Ensure access to efficient, affordable, economical and sustainable access to water services to all consumers.
- Prepare water services development plan
- Makes bylaws
- Decide on mechanisms for water services provision.
ELM is a water stressed mining town and has a challenge of an ever-growing water demand. The Olifants River is the main source of surface water supply to the municipality, supplying more 70% of municipal water provision capacity. ELM is located along the Upper Olifants River catchment and it has a catchment of approximately 3540km2. The catchment land-use activities is inundated with coal mining, energy generation and agricultural land-use activities which have adverse effects on the deterioration of resource water quality. The municipality has been unable to exploit underground water resources due to underground coal mining which results to generation and decanting of acid mine drainage. Water and Sanitation Department manages provision of water and sanitation services from raw water retaining structures (municipal dams), bulk raw water
abstraction, potable water treatment, potable water and distribution reservoirs, water reticulation system, water meters, sewer reticulation and waste water treatment plant.
ELM has three municipal water supply schemes (Witbank, Rietspruit and Ga-Nala) and three external (Anglo, Glencore and Eskom Kendal) responsible for bulk water provision. The municipal also has a modular package plant which is used to augment Witbank scheme.
The municipal water supply schemes can be summarised as per the table below:
Scheme name | Source | Design/ Required capacity (Ml/d) | Operational Capacity (Ml/d) | Status |
Witbank | Witbank dam | 75 | 105 | Over capacity |
Rietspruit | Rietspruit Dam | 4 | 3.5 | Being upgraded to 4Ml/d |
Ga-Nala | Usuthu Scheme (DWS) | 15 | 6.7 | Below design capacity |
Package Plant (NuWater) | Witbank Dam | 20 | 15 | To be upgraded to 20Ml/d |
Package Plant (NuWater) | Mine water reclamation | 28 | 16 | To be upgraded to 28Ml/d |
Eskom-Kendal | Usuthu scheme (DWS) | 2 | 2 | To be terminated upon commissioning of Glencore scheme |
Eskom-Kendal | Mine water reclaimation | 8 | 8 | Operating within capacity |