NOTICE: Emergency repair work on the water supply system in Emalahleni.

A notice is hereby given that; there is an emergency repair work on the water supply system in Emalahleni.

The bulk of water supply in the municipality is obtained from the Witbank dam and pumped to the water treatment plant for purification and distribution to consumers.
Water supply is facilitated by means of pumping and piping equipment which is aged and dilapidated.

Further due to metal content they are vulnerable to vandalism and theft.
The municipality has a reported high water distribution losses and consistent water supply shortages or interruptions.
The main cause has been observed as water pipe breakages and bulk water pipe line leakages.

Two major water leaks and failed valves has developed on the water bulk lines from the dam to water treatment plant which requires urgent attention.
The works are estimated to take approximately twenty four hours with minimal interruption to water supply and production.

The work will start at 05:00am on 08 April 2020 to 05:00am 09April 2020.

Contingent plans are in place to ensure continued supply of water to the water treatment plant and modular package plant from the raw water quarry.
Furthermore the distribution reservoirs are at reasonable level to maintain water supply during the outage.

The municipality is committed to observing and adhering to guidelines pertaining to the containment of Covid-19 in the main the sustainable supply of water.
However we urge the communities to continue using water sparingly and safely at all times.

Issued by:
Communication Unit
Emalahleni Local Municipality
Read 4507 times Last modified on 13 Jun 2020
Communications Unit

The communication is a strategic function. The unit deals with Internal & External Communication, Conducting imbizo Programmes, Media and stakeholder liaison, media production, marketing and branding. The municipality has adopted the communication strategy, which entails the channels and tools of communicating to the stakeholders. These channels and tools are amongst other municipal website, municipal face-book, local print and electronic media.


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