PUBLIC NOTICE -::- Public Participation on Draft Integrated Waste Management By-laws, and Draft Air Quality Management By-laws



The Council of Emalahleni Local Municipality acting in terms of section 156(2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, read with section 13(a) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000) hereby publishes the draft By-laws set forth hereunder for public comment:
  • Emalahleni Local Municipality Draft Integrated Waste Management By-law — regulate the collection, transportation, storage, disposal, treatment and recycling of waste within the Council's jurisdiction Emalahleni
  • Local Municipality Draft Air Quality Management By-laws — for regulation of sustainable implementation of air quality standards within the Emalahleni
On behalf of the Council of Emalahleni Local Municipality all interested parties are therefore invited to submit comments on the draft By-laws before or on 22 November 2024. Further, an invitation is extended to all parties to participate in the virtual sessions and live broadcasts where the By-laws will be presented to the public.
How do I obtain copies of the draft By-laws?
Copies of the abovementioned Draft By-laws are available online and on the following media platforms:
 (a) Emalahleni Local Municipality website address:
        (b) Emalahleni Local Municipality Facebook: to obtain a link address.
        (c) Electronic copies, by sending an email to the following email address:
Hard copies of the draft by-laws can be obtained from Emalahleni Local Municipality third floor Department of Environmental and Waste Management, Municipal reception and Public Libraries.
Will there be public participation meetings to present the By-laws?
Presentations on the Draft by-laws shall be done Hybrid at Emalahleni Local Municipality to the following schedule:
  • Presentation of the Draft Integrated Waste Management By-law
To be presented Hybrid at Emalahleni Local Municipality on the 14th November 2024 at 10h00 a.m. to 12h00 p.m.
  • Presentation of the Draft Air Quality By-laws.
To be presented Hybrid at Emalahleni Local Municipality on the 15th November 2024 at 10h00 a.m. to 12h00p.m.
Radio slots for the presentation of the By-laws shall be arranged with the following local radio stations:
  • Radio Kragbron — dates for presentation shall be broadcasted
  • Emalahleni FM — dates for presentation shall be broadcasted
How do I register to take part on the virtual presentation (webinar) sessions?
To register as a Guest for the webinar (virtual presentation sessions), interested parties shall be required to click on the link provided on the website and follow the instructions or email
How do I submit my comments?
Comments on the Draft By-laws shall be addressed and submitted as follows:
  • Postage: The Municipal Manager, Emalahleni Local Municipality, P.O. Box 3, Witbank, 1035, or
  • , or
  • Municipal Website: drop message box, and
  • Hand delivery: Municipal offices — box at security check point in the building near entrance.
NB!!!!!! Please note that the due date for public comments shall be 22 November 2024. For those who will be attending virtually, kindly email Mr Mahlaule L for the link.


Queries relating to the issues of this advertsiment may be addressed to the below contacts  during Working hours: Monday to Thursday 07:30 – 16:30 and Friday 07:30-13:30
L Mahlaule