South Africa’s water resources are limited and, in global terms, scarce. The demand for water is growing due to the following factors: a high population growth rate, a developing economy, and the urgent need to supply millions of people who are without water. The sustainability of our water resources is threatened both in terms of quantity and quality. Unless the current water usage pattern is changed, future water demand will greatly exceed existing available freshwater resources. Already there are several areas within Emalahleni Local Municipality that have to rely on expensive transfer schemes because water demands have far exceeded water availability. Such transfer schemes are being developed despite the enormous scope for WC/WDM that often exists within the municipality.
As we are celebrating summertime within the country, region, and municipality, residents are advised to conserve water to an acceptable standard. Below are some ways in which you can play your part in assisting the municipality in saving water: -
  • Flush the toilet only when necessary (If it’s yellow, let it mellow)
  • Reduce your showering times’.
  • Cover swimming pools to reduce water evaporation.
  • Avoid always using the hosepipe to clean patios or driveways.
  • Only wash full loads of dishes or laundry
  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.
  • Be sure to fix any leaks around your home.
  • Use recycled water when watering your plants.
  • Minimise how often you wash your car.
  • Water your garden after sunrise and before sunset.

Issued by communications Unit
For more enquiries contact
Water Network | Water Services| Technical Services
Cnr Hofmeyer and Smuts Avenue, Bima Court Municipal Building, eMalahleni
O +27 13 690  6914  | CALL CENTRE: +27 13 690 6222/333/444
Communications Unit

The communication is a strategic function. The unit deals with Internal & External Communication, Conducting imbizo Programmes, Media and stakeholder liaison, media production, marketing and branding. The municipality has adopted the communication strategy, which entails the channels and tools of communicating to the stakeholders. These channels and tools are amongst other municipal website, municipal face-book, local print and electronic media.


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